Gems Sensors and Warrick Controls

Semicon Manufacturing Products

When most people hear the word “semiconductor” they think of processing speed. When folks like us hear “semiconductor” we think of process purity. The microscopic topography of today’s silicon circuits demand the cleanest manufacturing facilities on earth. We know that, and we build liquid level, flow and pressure sensors to meet those stringent requirements. It’s because of these special requirements we have a special semiconductor sensor team at Gems™. These men and women are dedicated to making your manufacturing clean and simple.
Gems Sensors Inc. offers semiconductor equipment manufacturers everything you look for in a sensing product:
Reliability: Gems fluid sensors are built to withstand the rugged service that semiconductor equipment must endure. They’re certified to ISO 9001 standards, the international designation of quality and reliability.
Peace of Mind: To an OEM, the failure of any component means expensive downtime for your customers. Count on the reliability of a Gems sensor to help keep your customers’ operations running.
Variety: Gems offers an extensive range of level, flow and pressure sensors designed to fit almost any semiconductor requirement. We can accommodate almost any requirement for physical fit and fluid compatibility. We have models that handle extreme temperature and pressure requirements, and offer materials that can help you meet the stringent liquid purity standards of the industry.
Product Availability: We maintain an extensive inventory of products available for immediate delivery.
Technical Support: Our global network of sales professionals and technical representatives can assist you in the selection, specification, design and service of our products.
We Make What We Sell: At Gems we make what we sell, and have the product specialists and engineering staffs to back up our products.

Over the years, the Gems name has come to represent the best sensing technology available — engineered and produced to the highest standards of quality.

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